Monday, March 18, 2013

Sightseeing in Cabinda

We finally organized for our driver to take us outside of town so we could see the beach. He showed up and the rains held off - mission successful.

Chinese construction, per usual.

Palanca Negra, Angolan soccer team's mascot. 

Our faithful and dedicated car/driver, Jeremias. This is the stadium built in Cabinda to host the Africa Cup in 2010. It hasn't really been used since...

A Praia Futilia. Bathing and fishing spot for locals.

Oil rigs ablaze. Chevron alone has over 80 rigs here, off-shore Cabinda.

Typical dwellings within the city of Cabinda.

Local swimming and bathing river.

Jeremias, Petey, and I in a supermercado. Don't be fooled. Those aren't chips. Those are more like a knock-off of a knock-off of chips. You tongue gets coated in a strange film after eating these. They also have Lay's potato chips, but they only sort of taste like Lay's, or even potato chips in general. And this is all we have for a reminder of something familiar in the food department!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Rachel! I love getting to see where you live!
