Friday, March 8, 2013

Bem Vindo a Cabinda

People like to put lots of mayo and ketchup on their pizza here.
The women sell "Obama" brand underwear at the market.
The city shuts down today for International Women's Day.
We have a dedicated car/driver. We plan for 9am; he arrives at noon.
The university folks are great. Lots of energy for developing a solid English Department.

The first 9 days in Cabinda have been a bit topsy turvy, but things seem to be getting better and better. Our housing situation has been confusing. We have had 5 different living arrangements in 9 days. Finally we are settled into a nice hotel that has a gym with 360 degree view of the bay and hills of Cabinda - super plus!! The hotel orders us meals every day, calling to ask what we want. Check out the view from our room.

I've had a few English Dept meetings. My students are mostly oil rig workers who are getting an education in English to improve their futures, get better jobs. Classes begin next week, or maybe the following...

1 comment:

  1. Love your posts Rachel! I keep meaning to tell you about the HS I'm at. My office is in the counseling wing and its kind of how our nhs office was- a senior zone in the midst of faculty. Oh the conversations I overhear...
    Anyways I've made friends with the ELA teacher and you would probably not be surprised to hear that students who receive speech language services for me, in the7th grade, still also receive ELA support. Despite having been born in Denver. Hope you are well!
